


Well prepared for the next negotiation

The success depends once again on your negotiating skills, regardless of your position at the negotiating table.

Was erwartet Dich?

In jedem Level der App wartet eine Verhandlung mit anderen Vorzeichen und anderen Positionen auf Dich und Deine Firma.
  • Welche Informationen muss ich für die Vorbereitung zusammenstellen?
  • Wessen Know-How benötige ich? Wen beziehe ich mit ein?
  • Wie sieht meine Strategie aus?
  • Welche Taktikten kann ich anwenden?
  • Welche Gambits setzt mein Gegenüber ein?
Führe Verhandlungen mit Banken, Risikokapitalgebern, Business-Partnern, strategischen Lieferanten oder Großkunden.

Auf dem Weg vom Start-Up zum Welt-Konzern erlernst Du die Kunst der Verhandlung!

Wie läuft die App ab?

  • Hauptaufgabe in jedem Level ist der erfolgreiche Abschluss einer Hauptverhandlung
  • Zur Vorbereitung müssen die relevanten Informationen für die Verhandlung zusammengestellt werden
  • Lege Deine Verhandlungsstrategie fest und beziehe deine Unterstützer mit in die Verhandlung ein.
  • Auf dem Weg erhältst Du Tipps und Tricks und nützliche Hintergrundinformationen

What awaits you?

In each level of the app a negotiation with different characters and different positions is waiting for you and your company.
  • What information do I need to gather for preparation?
  • Whose know-how do I need? Who do I involve?
  • What is my strategy?
  • What tactics can I use?
  • Which are the gambits my opponent uses?
Negotiate with financial institutions, venture capitalists, business partners, strategic suppliers or major customers.

On the path from a start-up to a global enterprise, you will learn the art of negotiation!

How does the app work?

  • The main task in each level is the successful closing of a negotiation.
  • In advance, relevant information must be compiled for the negotiation.
  • Define your negotiation strategy and involve your supporters in the process.
  • Along the way you will receive tips and tricks and useful background knowledge.
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Perfect for procurement and sales
More than 250 scenarios

Your lifelonglearning 

It is said that the Internet and libraries offer access to all the knowledge that humanity has collected. But how do you find your way in this jungle of knowledge? lifelonglearning offers you customized content and thus creates your very own learning playlist!  

How many reasonable mails do we get every day? How many of them do we simply delete or just skim through the text without taking anything from that? We do it differently and promise in-depth knowledge in selected areas - with just one email a day.

With a subscription model available for different runtimes. And that's how it works:

You select two key topics from several subject areas and thus create the base for the learning playlist. From now on, you will receive content every day in different formats, such as videos, podcasts, texts, etc. You can check your progress with frequent quizzes and summaries.

Not the right choice? The key topics can be changed at any time.

Dr. Axel Hamann, a graduated natural scientist as well as a long-standing management consultant and lecturer at universities, has been leading the 'Best Practice Institute - BPI' for 10 years. His extensive experience at BPI also led to the idea of 'lifelonglearning'. Together with his team of specialist trainers, he designed the concept of 'lifelonglearning' and supervised its implementation.


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